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Visualization and Monitoring


  • Nightscout is optional but encouraged
  • Nightscout is a useful tool for data analysis and followers
  • Create a Nightscout server and input your URL and API_SECRET in Trio. Test the connection and enable "Allow Uploads."

Nightscout Introduction

Nightscout (NS) is an open-source, DIY project that allows real-time access to CGM data via a personal website, smartwatch viewers, or apps and widgets available for smartphones. Setting up a Nightscout web app is recommended to visualize your Trio closed loop.

Nightscout allows a user to upload CGM data from various sources to an online database and cloud computing service. The information is then processed and displayed visually as a graph. Plugins also allow more information to be shown about Trio.

Even if you don't choose to share your Nightscout site with another person, it will be helpful for you to visualize what the loop is doing and what it's been doing, plus generate helpful reports for understanding your data.

For help making a Nightscout account, please see the OpenAPS documentation.

Trio Setup

To enable your nightscout connection, input your Nightscout URL, including the https:// and your API_SECRET. Select Allow uploads so Trio can share its predictions and settings with Nightscout.